
The Institute of Railway Structures and Constructions organizes a number of excursions for students, during which students can “live” get to know the objects, devices, machines or factories they are learning about. Even if the field trips are thematically related to the subject being discussed, they are accessible to students of all grades. We currently organize the following excursions:


Česká Třebová shunting yard

Excursion for students of the 2nd year of the master’s programme. The students can see an arrival yard including including a signal box, a hump, a central signal box, a classification track group, a locomotive depot including for example repaire facilities and sublevel lathe. The excursion is organised every year in November.


Turnouts and sleepers manufacturers

Excursion for students of master’s study programme. It includes a visit of the sleepers and switches and crossings manufacturers. The company DT–Výhybkárna a strojírna, a.s., which manufactures switches and crossings, is based in Prostějov. It specializes in the development, design, production, installation and service of turnouts for railway tracks, tram lines and metro lines. ŽPSV a.s. is the supplier of concrete products for the construction industry with a focus on transport. Excursions are organized to the production plants in Doloplazy or Uherský Ostroh.


Excursion to the construction site

Every year, sometimes more than once, we go on a construction site with the students. The goal and theme is determined by the possibilities and interesting features of current buildings. A suitable building is selected on the basis of the technology used, and for that reason it may be quite far from Brno.


Prague metro

Excursion for students of the 1st and 2nd year of the master’s study programme. The excursion starts in one Prague metro station and continuous by walking through the metro tunnels to other station. As different metro stations are chosen each year, it is possible to see the different technology used in the metro construction. The excursion is mentally and physically very demanding, as it takes place at night when the metro service is interrupted. The excursion is organized in a two-year cycle and is usually combined with another excursion or event (e.g. Vaclav Havel Airport Prague, a tour of the crossing, branching and junction of tramway tracks, the Invisible Exhibition).


Vaclav Havel Airport Prague

Occasional excursion to the airport with a tour of the runway system, hangars and fire station. The excursion is organized in combination with an excursion to the Prague metro.


Central Traffic Control Přerov

Excursion for students of the master’s study programme. The Central Traffic Control Přerov was established in the year 2011. It provides traffic control on 520 kilometres of railway lines, 68 railway stations and 49 railway stops in Moravia and Silesia (*status as of 1.7.2024). The dispatching apparatus of operational control covers 3123 kilometres of railway lines. The excursion is complemented by a tour of the Electrical Control Office.


Tunnels on the line No. 250 between Říkonín and Tišnov railway stations

The excursion available to all students. It includes a tour and a getting to know an troubled wartime history on the railway line between Říkonín and Tišnov railway stations. During the excursion it is possible to see interesting structures of the railway subgrade and also the place of one of the greatest railway accidents in our country.


Tunnels on the line No. 260 between Brno and Blansko railway stations

Excursion available to all students. It is organized in close cooperation with Institute of Geotechnics. It includes a tour and a getting to know the tunnels history on the railway line between Brno and Blansko railway stations. Due to a route length is the excursion planed on bicycles.


Třinecké železárny (Moravia steel)

The excursion for all students. It is an attractive excursion to the iron and steel works in Třinec, a town on north of Moravia. It includes a tour of the rolling mill of the rails as well as the extensive siding system of works.